#Newton-method to calculate the hit time
def f(self, x, vector):
Omega = vector.q * self.BField / vector.m
return -vector.vz/Omega * np.sin(Omega * x)+vector.vy/Omega * (np.cos(Omega * x)-1)-self.Position
def df(self, x, vector):
Omega = vector.q * self.BField / vector.m
return -vector.vz * np.cos(Omega* x)+vector.vy * np.sin(Omega * x)
def dx(self, x, vector):
return abs(0-self.f(x, vector))
def getT(self, vector, x0, e):
delta = self.dx(x0, vector)
i = 0
while delta > e:
x0 = x0 - self.f(x0, vector)/self.df(x0, vector)
delta = self.dx(x0, vector)
i += 1
if i > 10000: return None
return x0
#End of Newton-method
def detect (self, vector):
"""Calculate for a given particle class the hit grid. The class needs the members: vx, vy, vz, q, m - Velocity in 3 dimensions, charge, mass.
Returns the passed volume."""
#First kollekt hit time, then calculate the position of particle
t = self.getT(vector, 0 , 1e-10)
if t == None:
print ("ERROR - Newton-method do not convert")
return ((None, None), (None, None), (self.Position, self.Position))
Omega = vector.q * self.BField / vector.m
x = vector.vx*t
y = vector.vy/Omega * np.sin(Omega * t)+vector.vz/Omega * (1-np.cos(Omega * t))
xHigh = int(x/0.0025+1)*0.0025 #upper edge of hit grid
xLow = int(x/0.0025)*0.0025 #lower edge of hit grid
elif -50 < x < 0: #slight different if x<0 or x>0
xHigh = int(x/0.0025)*0.0025
xLow = int(x/0.0025-1)*0.0025
return ((None, None), (None, None), (self.Position, self.Position)) # if the Layer is not hit, return "None"
yHigh = int(y/0.0025+1)*0.0025
yLow = int(y/0.0025)*0.0025
yHigh = int(y/0.0025)*0.0025
yLow = int(y/0.0025-1)*0.0025
return ((None, None), (None, None), (self.Position, self.Position))
return ((xHigh, xLow), (yHigh, yLow), (self.Position, self.Position))
self.BField = Magnet #Tesla
self.Layer1 = Layer (100, self.BField)
self.Layer2 = Layer (110, self.BField)
self.Layer3 = Layer (120, self.BField)
self.Layer4 = Layer (130, self.BField)
self.Layer5 = Layer (140, self.BField)
def detect (self, particle):
"""Calculate for a given particle class the hit grid. The class needs the membervalues: vx, vy, vz, q, m - Velocity in 3 dimensions, charge, mass.
Returns the known passed volumes or "None" if one Layer is not hitted"""
result = np.array([[(0,0),(0,0),(0,0)]])
for Layer in [self.Layer1, self.Layer2, self.Layer3, self.Layer4, self.Layer5]:
result = np.append(result, [Layer.detect(particle)], axis = 0)
if result[-1][0][0] == None: #If any layer is not hit, exit the detection
return None