def __init__(self, Position):
self.Position = Position
def detect (self, (phi, theta)):
"""Calculate for a given angles (phi, theta) the hit grid.
Returns the angles from source to grid edge"""
#define Dummyvalue - necessary for run
phiHigh = 99
phiLow = 99
thetaHigh = 99
thetaLow = 99
x = np.tan(phi)*self.Position #calculate position of hit with Layer
y = np.tan(theta)*self.Position
if 0 <= x < 50:
phiHigh = np.arctan(int(x/0.0025+1)*0.0025/self.Position) #angel for z-axis to upper edge of hit grid
phiLow = np.arctan(int(x/0.0025)*0.0025/self.Position) # phi = arctan(opposite/adjacent)
elif -50 < x < 0:
phiHigh = np.arctan(int(x/0.0025)*0.0025/self.Position) #np.arctan (int(x/0.0025)*0.0025/ self.Position)
phiLow = np.arctan(int(x/0.0025-1)*0.0025/self.Position) #^arctan ^round x to next upper/lower 25 mikrometer ^adjacent
return ((None, None), (None, None)) # if the Layer is not hit, return "None"
if 0 <= y < 50:
thetaHigh = np.arctan(int(y/0.0025+1)*0.0025/self.Position)
thetaLow = np.arctan(int(y/0.0025)*0.0025/self.Position)
elif -50 < y < 0:
thetaHigh = np.arctan(int(y/0.0025)*0.0025/self.Position)
thetaLow = np.arctan(int(y/0.0025-1)*0.0025/self.Position)
return ((phiHigh, phiLow), (thetaHigh, thetaLow))
def __init__ (self):
"""5 Layer of Tracker"""
self.Layer1 = Layer (100)
self.Layer2 = Layer (110)
self.Layer3 = Layer (120)
self.Layer4 = Layer (130)
self.Layer5 = Layer (140)
def detect (self, (phi, theta)):
"""Calculate for a given angles (phi, theta) the hitted grid.
Returns the angles from source to grid edge or "None" if the Layer is not hitted"""
for Layer in [self.Layer1, self.Layer2, self.Layer3, self.Layer4, self.Layer5]:
if Layer == self.Layer1: #First Time creat numpy array
result = np.array([Layer.detect((phi, theta))])
else: #For rest, just add
result = np.append(result, [Layer.detect((phi, theta))], axis = 0)