-[/etc/systemd/nspawn/xcache.nspawn](etc/systemd/nspawn/xcache.nspawn): configuration for lauching containers from the xcache image, e.g. bind mounts
-[/etc/pki/rpm-gpg](etc/pki/rpm-gpg), [/etc/yum.repos.d](etc/yum.repos.d): yum repositories and gpg keys on the host system - used by dnf to build new images
-[/var/local/mkosi](var/local/mkosi): build dir to make new images with mkosi
-[mkosi.extra](var/local/mkosi/mkosi.extra): extra files/directories to be copied into the image (yum repos, [systemd service file](var/local/mkosi/mkosi.extra/etc/systemd/system/xcache.service))
-[mkosi.postinst](var/local/mkosi/mkosi.postinst): extra commands that are executed inside the container at the end (install extra packages not in the default repositories)