Nikolai Hartmann authoredNikolai Hartmann authored
mkosi.postinst 854 B
# needed to get gpg keys imported correctly
rpmdb --rebuilddb
yum install -y \
curl \
gperftools \
hostname \
xrootd-server-5.6.2 \
xrootd-client-5.6.2 \
xrootd-5.6.2 \
xrootd-voms-5.6.2 \
xrootd-libs-5.6.2 \
voms-clients \
wlcg-voms-atlas \
fetch-crl \
gdb \
yum-utils \
python3 \
yum --disablerepo="*" --enablerepo="osg-upcoming-testing" install -y xrootd-rucioN2N-for-Xcache
echo "Force xrootd user id to 1000"
old_uid=$(id -u xrootd)
old_gid=$(id -g xrootd)
usermod -u 1000 xrootd
groupmod -g 1000 xrootd
echo "Upgrade permissions ..."
# exclude /proc since this would try to modify the fd of the find process
find / -path /proc -prune -o -uid ${old_uid} -exec chown -h xrootd {} \;
find / -path /proc -prune -o -gid ${old_gid} -exec chgrp -h xrootd {} \;