"* function to determine *majority vote* of `k-Nearest Neighbors`\n",
"Following example taken from: \n",
"**[Data science from Scratch](http://shop.oreilly.com/product/0636920033400.do)** by Joel Grus"
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<h1>Table of Contents<spanclass="tocSkip"></span></h1>
<divclass="toc"><ulclass="toc-item"><li><span><ahref="#k-Nearest-Neighbors"data-toc-modified-id="k-Nearest-Neighbors-1"><spanclass="toc-item-num">1 </span>k-Nearest Neighbors</a></span><ulclass="toc-item"><li><span><ahref="#kNN-Model-summary"data-toc-modified-id="kNN-Model-summary-1.1"><spanclass="toc-item-num">1.1 </span>kNN Model summary</a></span></li></ul></li><li><span><ahref="#kNN-with-Scikit-learn"data-toc-modified-id="kNN-with-Scikit-learn-2"><spanclass="toc-item-num">2 </span>kNN with Scikit-learn</a></span><ulclass="toc-item"><li><span><ahref="#Starting-with-sklearn"data-toc-modified-id="Starting-with-sklearn-2.1"><spanclass="toc-item-num">2.1 </span>Starting with sklearn</a></span><ulclass="toc-item"><li><span><ahref="#Apply-model,-make-predictions"data-toc-modified-id="Apply-model,-make-predictions-2.1.1"><spanclass="toc-item-num">2.1.1 </span>Apply model, make predictions</a></span></li><li><span><ahref="#Test/evaluate-model"data-toc-modified-id="Test/evaluate-model-2.1.2"><spanclass="toc-item-num">2.1.2 </span>Test/evaluate model</a></span></li></ul></li></ul></li></ul></div>
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## k-Nearest Neighbors
We use k-Nearest Neighbors (kNN) as detailed showcase for an ML model, i.e.
* we will not just show how to use it in one of the standard ML packages
* but discuss in some detail the implementation in Python functions
kNN is conceptually simple:
* need a sample with known classifications
* for new data look at elements from known sample in **neighborhood**
* requires some metric to define **distance**
* classify according to **majority classification** of these neighbors
**Real world example -- elections**
Elections results, i.e. which party is most popular strongly varies between regions. So if you want to predict how a specific person votes then the place where a person lives and how the neighbors voted provides useful information.
Examples from Bundestagswahl 2017:
* Wahlkreis Jachenau (Bad Tölz) ~62% CSU
* Wahlbezirk Nürnberg-4553 ~45% SPD
* though extreme cases, many "Wahl-Bezirke" rather balanced
Of course other information might be more important to predict voting decision:
*education, income, profession, hobbies, ...*
In the following we discuss an example kNN implementation adapted from the book *Data Science from Scratch*
What's needed:
* toy data:
* artificial poll data of person's programming language preference and geographic location (longitude vs latitude)
**metric* for distance:
* simply geographical distance
**list of neighbors* sorted by distance
* function to determine *majority vote* of `k-Nearest Neighbors`
Following example taken from:
**[Data science from Scratch](http://shop.oreilly.com/product/0636920033400.do)** by Joel Grus