Exercises of the course "Digital Image Processing in Medical Physics"
The project contains the Python scripts and the input data for the exercises of the course "Digital Image Processing in Medical Physics". Each of the exercises is contained in a specific folder, with the name corresponding to the assigned exercise sheet. A test folder and a tutorial on digital image processing are also provided.
You can connect your machine to this GitLab repository and easily clone the code (described below for Linux). Alternatively you can simply download the .zip file
If you wish to use Linux, from a Windows or Mac, you can connect to the servers in the LMU physics CIP pool: https://collab.dvb.bayern/display/LMULMPHGST/CIP+Pools#CIPPools-RemoteAccess
You will need to connect to the VPN using the EduVPN client: https://www.eduvpn.org/
The configuration to connect via EduVPN is explained here:
From Windows, one can connect to the CIP pool workstations using the Remote Desktop application. Use the login node to the CIP pool to connect: cip-sv-login.cip.physik.uni-muenchen.de
The list of the available workstations is available here: https://collab.dvb.bayern/display/LMULMPHGST/Details+on+Available+Resources#DetailsonAvailableResources-NewAlmaLinux9Workstations
Connect to the GitLab server
Login to your gitlab account with your LMU identification: https://gitlab.physik.uni-muenchen.de/
(see https://www.en.it.physik.uni-muenchen.de/dienste/datenspeicherung/gitlab/index.html)
Clone the repository
On your machine, set up a directory for the exercises, e.g.:
mkdir /path/to/exercises_folder/
Within this directory, clone the gitlab repository with:
git clone https://gitlab.physik.uni-muenchen.de/Marco.Riboldi/dipmp_exercises.git
You can also copy the repository by downloading a compressed file at the following public address:
Computational framework
The code will be presented on the PyCharm IDE: https://www.jetbrains.com/pycharm/
- On the CIP servers, PyCharm is installed. In the terminal, you can launch it via the following commands:
module load pycharm
- Local installation on your PC:
Create your project
Create your project using the following steps:
- File -> New Project
Location: select folder (directory for the exercises)
- Select New environment using: Virtualenv (set python 3.9 as base interpreter)
Location: select folder/venv
Then press Create
Warning that Directory is not empty: -> Create from existing sources
Virtual environment
The file requirements.txt lists all necessary python libraries and their versions used throughout the exercises
We recommend installing them within a virtual environment
Once the project has been created, opening any .py file or requirements.txt prompts to the installation of the necessary packages
Click -> install requirements
The required packages can also be installed from the terminal:
pip install -r requirements.txt
If prompted upgrade your pip installation:
pip install --upgrade pip
Test run
Run test.py in the "test" folder. Type:
python \test\test.py
In the PyCharm terminal (assuming you are in the main repository folder.
Alternatively, you need to open the file test.py and define the run/debug configuration:
Define a name for your configuration
Select the virtual environment as the Interpreter
Complete the script path with the same path where you have the script test.py
You should see a CT image loaded and displayed in an output window