import numpy as np
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
import xarray as xr
# from enstools.feature.identification._proto_gen import identification_pb2
from enstools.feature.util.data_utils import get_subset_by_description, squeeze_nodes
from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool as Pool
from functools import partial
class TrackingTechnique(ABC):
Base abstract class for feature tracking algorithms.
Implementations need to override the abstract track() method.
def __init__(self):
self.pb_reference = None
self.graph = None
def track(self, track_set, subset: xr.Dataset):
Abstract tracking method. This gets called for each time steps list of the feature descriptions.
This timeline can be for example a reforecast or a member of an ensemble forecast, in which detected objects should
be tracked over multiple timestamps. This method gets called in parallel for all timelines in the dataset.
This method should compute links of corresponding objects of two time steps.
See template/ and especially template_object_compare/ for examples
track_set : iterable of identification_pb2.TrackingSet
The data to be tracked
subset : xarray.Dataset
Subset to be tracked. Forwarded from identification
connections : list of pb_reference.RefGraphConnections
The connections forming the path of the objects in the time steps.
connections = []
return connections
def postprocess(self, object_desc):
Abstract method for the postprocess of the tracking.
object_desc: The whole pb2.DatasetDescription, can be altered inplace
def track_set(self, set_idx, obj_desc=None, dataset=None):
Tracks a given TrackableSet.
set_idx: index of the set in the object description
obj_desc: the object description
dataset: the dataset
dataset_sel = get_subset_by_description(dataset, obj_set)
print("Track " + str(obj_set)[:40] + " (" + str(set_idx) + ")")
nodes = self.track(obj_set, dataset_sel) # TODO check subsets in here on more complex DS
def execute(self, object_desc, dataset_ref: xr.Dataset):
Execute the tracking procedure.
The description is split into the different timelines which can be executed in parallel.
object_desc : identification_pb2.DatasetDescription TODO?
The description of the detected features from the identificaiton technique.
dataset_ref : xarray.Dataset
Reference to the dataset used in the pipeline.
# parallel for all tracking sets
pool = Pool(), obj_desc=object_desc, dataset=dataset_ref),
range(len(object_desc.sets))) # iterate over sets.
self.postprocess(object_desc) # only postprocess object desc, THEN to graph
# TODO what if tracks are the identification? e.g. AEW identification in Hovmoller
Get graph, generate if not existent.
if self.graph is not None:
return self.graph # use cached
print("Generate graph first before getting. (generate_graph()). Exit.")
# generate object graph from ref graph
Generates the tacking graph from the object graph with tracking info. After executing track(), the object
description contains the connections, but the graph will have a nicer structure.
object_desc: object description
Sets and returns the graph (DatasetDescription type)
self.graph = self.pb_reference.DatasetDescription()
for set_idx, objdesc_set in enumerate(object_desc.sets):
graph_set = self.graph.sets[set_idx]
# empty the graph set
del graph_set.timesteps[:]
# for each object add (n1,[]) to graph. then add connections.
for idx_ts, ts in enumerate(objdesc_set.timesteps):
cur_time = ts.valid_time
for obj in ts.objects:
obj_connection = graph_set.object_graph.nodes.add()
obj_connection.this_node.time = cur_time
# for each connection in ref graph: if n1 is current object: get n2 objects and add them
for ref_connection in objdesc_set.ref_graph.nodes:
if ref_connection.this_node.time_index == idx_ts and ref_connection.this_node.object_id ==
for ref_n2 in ref_connection.connected_nodes:
obj_n2 = obj_connection.connected_nodes.add()
obj_n2.time = objdesc_set.timesteps[ref_n2.time_index].valid_time
obj_index_of_n2_obj = [objindex_ for objindex_, obj_ in enumerate(objdesc_set.timesteps[ref_n2.time_index].objects) if == ref_n2.object_id][0]
# filter the generated tracks: for each track call the keep_track() function.
Filter the generated tracks. For each track call the keep_track() function.
for set_ in self.graph.sets:
for t_id in range(len(set_.tracks) - 1, -1, -1):
track = set_.tracks[t_id]
if not self.keep_track(track):
del set_.tracks[t_id]
def keep_track(self, track):
track: the pb2.ObjectGraph track
True if keep, else discard
After tracking graph has been computed, here, tracks can be computed, which are a disjoint subset of graphs
of the total graph. It is based on a simple heuristic. The nodes are ordered by time. For each non-classified
node, all downstream nodes are searched. If any of these nodes is already classified, use the same ID.
Otherwise give this stream a new id (new track).
Nothing, tracks are added to the graph_desc inplace.
if self.graph is None:
print("Compute graph first.")
# for each set:
# order connections by time of first node
for graph_set in self.graph.sets:
# object_set = self.obj_ref.set_idx
# sort nodes by time of first node (is in key), as list here
time_sorted_nodes = list(sorted(graph_set.object_graph.nodes, key=lambda item: item.this_node.time))
wave_id_per_node = [None] * len(time_sorted_nodes)
cur_id = 0
# iterate over all time sorted identified connections
# search temporal downstream tracked troughs and group them using a set id
for con_idx, oc in enumerate(time_sorted_nodes):
if wave_id_per_node[con_idx] is not None: # already part of a wave
# not part of wave -> get (temporal) downstream connections = wave (return indices of them)
downstream_wave_node_indices = TrackingTechnique.get_downstream_node_indices(time_sorted_nodes, con_idx)
print(str(con_idx) + " -> " + str(downstream_wave_node_indices))
# any of downstream nodes already part of a wave?
connected_wave_id = None
for ds_node_idx in downstream_wave_node_indices:
if wave_id_per_node[ds_node_idx] is not None:
if connected_wave_id is not None:
print("Double ID, better resolve todo...") # TODO
connected_wave_id = wave_id_per_node[ds_node_idx]
# if so set all nodes to this found id
if connected_wave_id is not None:
for ds_node_idx in downstream_wave_node_indices:
wave_id_per_node[ds_node_idx] = connected_wave_id
# else new path for all wave_nodes
cur_id_needs_update = False
for ds_node_idx in downstream_wave_node_indices:
wave_id_per_node[ds_node_idx] = cur_id
cur_id_needs_update = True
if cur_id_needs_update:
cur_id += 1
# done, now extract every wave by id and put them into subgraphs
for wave_id in range(cur_id):
wave_idxs = [i for i in range(len(wave_id_per_node)) if wave_id_per_node[i] == wave_id]
cur_wave_nodes = [time_sorted_nodes[i] for i in wave_idxs] # troughs of this wave
# cur_troughs = cur_troughs.sortbytime # already sorted?
def get_downstream_node_indices(graph_list, start_idx):
Helper method for the track generation. Searches all downstream node indices.
list of downstream indices in list
node, connected_nodes = co.this_node, co.connected_nodes
for c_node in connected_nodes:
# get index of connected node in graph
obj_node_list = [con_.this_node for con_ in graph_list]
c_node_idx = obj_node_list.index(c_node)
# call recursively on this connected node
c_node_downstream_indices = TrackingTechnique.get_downstream_node_indices(graph_list, c_node_idx)
return list(set(node_indices))