diff --git a/spack_repo/packages/dwd-icon-tools/package.py b/spack_repo/packages/dwd-icon-tools/package.py
index 8e491bdceaa5df7aef034e9904a9fcc9676cfd1f..368a9c032f95b2dbf2d62a517c47c42b0902cebb 100644
--- a/spack_repo/packages/dwd-icon-tools/package.py
+++ b/spack_repo/packages/dwd-icon-tools/package.py
@@ -46,27 +46,28 @@ class DwdIconTools(Package):
-    def patch(self):
-        """
-        Because of the lack of access rights to the original submodule repositories,
-        we patch the gitmodules file to point to a different mirror.
-        """
-        git_submodules_file = Path().cwd() / ".gitmodules"
-        git_mirror = "git@gitlab.lrz.de:dkrz-mirror"
-        git_modules_patch = f"""
-        [submodule "externals/libcdi"]
-        path = externals/libcdi
-        url = {git_mirror}/libcdi.git
-        """
-        # Replace the content of the original file with the patch
-        with git_submodules_file.open("w") as out_f:
-            out_f.write(git_modules_patch)
-        # Run git submodule update
-        git = which("git")
-        git("submodule", "update", "--init", "--recursive")
+    depends_on("libxml2")
+    #
+    # def patch(self):
+    #     """
+    #     Because of the lack of access rights to the original submodule repositories,
+    #     we patch the gitmodules file to point to a different mirror.
+    #     """
+    #     git_submodules_file = Path().cwd() / ".gitmodules"
+    #     git_mirror = "git@gitlab.lrz.de:dkrz-mirror"
+    #     git_modules_patch = f"""
+    #     [submodule "externals/libcdi"]
+    #     path = externals/libcdi
+    #     url = {git_mirror}/libcdi.git
+    #     """
+    #
+    #     # Replace the content of the original file with the patch
+    #     with git_submodules_file.open("w") as out_f:
+    #         out_f.write(git_modules_patch)
+    #
+    #     # Run git submodule update
+    #     git = which("git")
+    #     git("submodule", "update", "--init", "--recursive")
     def setup_build_environment(self, env):
@@ -78,7 +79,7 @@ class DwdIconTools(Package):
 #           "F77": spec["mpi"].mpif77,
             "CXXFLAGS": "-O2 -g -fopenmp -Wunused -DNOMPI",
             "FCFLAGS": "-I/usr/include --std=f2008 -O2 -g -cpp -fopenmp -fbounds-check -Wunused -DNOMPI",
-            "LIBS": "-leccodes -lgfortran -lhdf5 -lxml2",
+            "LIBS": f"-L{spec['libxml2'].prefix.lib} -leccodes -lgfortran -lhdf5 -lxml2",
         for variable, value in env_variables_to_set.items():
                 env.set(variable, value)