#!/bin/bash -l set -xuve source etc/shared_functions.sh source config.sh source ../environment.sh # compile eccodes SW=libpressio REPOSITORY=https://github.com/robertu94/libpressio.git VERSION=${LIBPRESSIO_VERSION} INSTALLDIR=$(get_install_base)/${SW}/${VERSION} mkdir -p ${INSTALLDIR} export CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=${BLOSC_DIR}:${CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH:=""}: # create temporal folder and switch into it switch2build # create and activate virtual environment (otherwise problems installing python module) if [ ! -d venv ]; then python3 -m venv venv source venv/bin/activate python3 -m pip install numpy fi source venv/bin/activate if [ ! -d source ]; then # Clone repository and enter directory git clone ${REPOSITORY} -b ${VERSION} source fi cd source ########################################33 # # INSTALLATION # #FIXME: if we don't disable this doxygen flag compilation fails. sed "s/set(CMAKE_SWIG_FLAGS \"-doxygen\")/#set(CMAKE_SWIG_FLAGS \"-doxygen\")/g" tools/swig/CMakeLists.txt -i # Create build directory and go there if [ ! -d build ]; then mkdir build fi cd build # Run cmake cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=${INSTALLDIR} -DBUILD_PYTHON_WRAPPER=ON -DLIBPRESSIO_HAS_SZ=ON -DLIBPRESSIO_HAS_ZFP=ON -DLIBPRESSIO_HAS_BLOSC=ON -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=-I${SZ_DIR}/include # Compile and install make -j make install PYTHON_INSTALL=../../venv/lib/python*/site-packages/ # Copy python files to python directory inside installdir mkdir -p ${INSTALLDIR}/python for file in libpressio.py pressio.py _pressio.so ; do cp ${PYTHON_INSTALL}/${file} ${INSTALLDIR}/python/ done ########################################33