#!/usr/bin/env python import ROOT def add_friend(infile, intree, outfile, outtree): root_outfile = ROOT.TFile.Open(outfile, "UPDATE") root_infile = ROOT.TFile.Open(infile) friend_name = outtree+"_friend_"+intree for k in root_outfile.GetListOfKeys(): if k.GetName() == friend_name: raise ValueError("Tree with name {} already exists in outputfile".format(intree)) root_outfile.cd() root_outtree = root_outfile.Get(outtree) if not root_outtree: raise KeyError("Tree {} not found in file {}".format(outtree, outfile)) if root_outtree.GetListOfFriends(): for k in root_outtree.GetListOfFriends(): if k.GetName() == friend_name: raise ValueError("Tree with name {} is already friend of {}".format(intree, outtree)) root_infile.cd() root_intree = root_infile.Get(intree) if not root_intree: raise KeyError("Tree {} not found in file {}".format(intree, infile)) # Add friend and write friend tree and original tree to outfile root_outfile.cd() clonetree = root_intree.CloneTree(-1, "fast") clonetree.SetName(friend_name) clonetree.SetTitle(friend_name) clonetree.Write(friend_name) root_outtree.AddFriend(clonetree) root_outtree.Write(root_outtree.GetName()) root_infile.Close() root_outfile.Close() if __name__ == "__main__": import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='add a friend tree to a tree in another file') parser.add_argument("infile", help="input file that contains the friend tree") parser.add_argument("intree", help="name of the friend tree") parser.add_argument("outfile", help="output file where the friend tree should be added") parser.add_argument("outtree", help="name of the tree (in output file) to which the friend should be added") args = parser.parse_args() add_friend(args.infile, args.intree, args.outfile, args.outtree)