diff --git a/toolkit.py b/toolkit.py
index ada4e54c9118a414b70a644e6e44dad9b78f5764..7583548fce9ef49593831299bc1a30051de8a2a5 100755
--- a/toolkit.py
+++ b/toolkit.py
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python
-__all__ = ["ClassificationProject", "ClassificationProjectDataFrame"]
+__all__ = ["ClassificationProject", "ClassificationProjectDataFrame", "ClassificationProjectRNN"]
 from sys import version_info
@@ -31,9 +31,8 @@ import h5py
 from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler, RobustScaler
 from sklearn.externals import joblib
 from sklearn.metrics import roc_curve, auc
-from keras.models import Sequential
-from keras.layers import Dense, Dropout
-from keras.models import model_from_json
+from keras.models import Sequential, Model, model_from_json
+from keras.layers import Dense, Dropout, Input, Masking, GRU, concatenate
 from keras.callbacks import History, EarlyStopping, CSVLogger, ModelCheckpoint, TensorBoard
 from keras.optimizers import SGD
 import keras.optimizers
@@ -578,9 +577,12 @@ class ClassificationProject(object):
     def _transform_data(self):
         if not self.data_transformed:
             # todo: what to do about the outliers? Where do they come from?
-            logger.debug("training data before transformation: {}".format(self.x_train))
-            logger.debug("minimum values: {}".format([np.min(self.x_train[:,i]) for i in range(self.x_train.shape[1])]))
-            logger.debug("maximum values: {}".format([np.max(self.x_train[:,i]) for i in range(self.x_train.shape[1])]))
+            if logger.level <= logging.DEBUG:
+                logger.debug("training data before transformation: {}".format(self.x_train))
+                logger.debug("minimum values: {}".format([np.min(self.x_train[:,i][~np.isnan(self.x_train[:,i])])
+                                                          for i in range(self.x_train.shape[1])]))
+                logger.debug("maximum values: {}".format([np.max(self.x_train[:,i][~np.isnan(self.x_train[:,i])])
+                                                          for i in range(self.x_train.shape[1])]))
             orig_copy_setting = self.scaler.copy
             self.scaler.copy = False
             self.x_train = self.scaler.transform(self.x_train)
@@ -646,37 +648,41 @@ class ClassificationProject(object):
             # last layer is one neuron (binary classification)
             self._model.add(Dense(1, activation=self.activation_function_output))
-            logger.info("Using {}(**{}) as Optimizer".format(self.optimizer, self.optimizer_opts))
-            Optimizer = getattr(keras.optimizers, self.optimizer)
-            optimizer = Optimizer(**self.optimizer_opts)
-            logger.info("Compile model")
-            rn_state = np.random.get_state()
-            np.random.seed(self.random_seed)
-            self._model.compile(optimizer=optimizer,
-                                loss=self.loss,
-                                weighted_metrics=['accuracy']
-            )
-            np.random.set_state(rn_state)
+            self._compile_or_load_model()
-            if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.project_dir, "weights.h5")):
-                if self.is_training:
-                    continue_training = self.query_yn("Found previously trained weights - "
-                                                      "continue training (choosing N will restart)? (Y/N) ")
-                else:
-                    continue_training = True
-                if continue_training:
-                    self.model.load_weights(os.path.join(self.project_dir, "weights.h5"))
-                    logger.info("Found and loaded previously trained weights")
-                else:
-                    logger.info("Starting completely new model")
-            else:
-                logger.info("No weights found, starting completely new model")
+        return self._model
-            # dump to json for documentation
-            with open(os.path.join(self.project_dir, "model.json"), "w") as of:
-                of.write(self._model.to_json())
-        return self._model
+    def _compile_or_load_model(self):
+        logger.info("Using {}(**{}) as Optimizer".format(self.optimizer, self.optimizer_opts))
+        Optimizer = getattr(keras.optimizers, self.optimizer)
+        optimizer = Optimizer(**self.optimizer_opts)
+        logger.info("Compile model")
+        rn_state = np.random.get_state()
+        np.random.seed(self.random_seed)
+        self._model.compile(optimizer=optimizer,
+                            loss=self.loss,
+                            weighted_metrics=['accuracy']
+        )
+        np.random.set_state(rn_state)
+        if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.project_dir, "weights.h5")):
+            if self.is_training:
+                continue_training = self.query_yn("Found previously trained weights - "
+                                                  "continue training (choosing N will restart)? (Y/N) ")
+            else:
+                continue_training = True
+            if continue_training:
+                self.model.load_weights(os.path.join(self.project_dir, "weights.h5"))
+                logger.info("Found and loaded previously trained weights")
+            else:
+                logger.info("Starting completely new model")
+        else:
+            logger.info("No weights found, starting completely new model")
+        # dump to json for documentation
+        with open(os.path.join(self.project_dir, "model.json"), "w") as of:
+            of.write(self._model.to_json())
@@ -760,26 +766,28 @@ class ClassificationProject(object):
         return self.x_train[:split_index], self.y_train[:split_index], self.w_train[:split_index]
-    def yield_batch(self, class_label):
+    def yield_single_class_batch(self, class_label):
+        """
+        Generate batches of half batch size, containing only entries for the given class label.
+        The weights are multiplied by balanced_class_weight.
+        """
+        x_train, y_train, w_train = self.training_data
+        class_idx = np.where(y_train==class_label)[0]
         while True:
-            x_train, y_train, w_train = self.training_data
-            # shuffle the entries for this class label
-            rn_state = np.random.get_state()
-            x_train[y_train==class_label] = np.random.permutation(x_train[y_train==class_label])
-            np.random.set_state(rn_state)
-            w_train[y_train==class_label] = np.random.permutation(w_train[y_train==class_label])
+            # shuffle the indices for this class label
+            shuffled_idx = np.random.permutation(class_idx)
             # yield them batch wise
-            for start in range(0, len(x_train[y_train==class_label]), int(self.batch_size/2)):
-                yield (x_train[y_train==class_label][start:start+int(self.batch_size/2)],
-                       y_train[y_train==class_label][start:start+int(self.batch_size/2)],
-                       w_train[y_train==class_label][start:start+int(self.batch_size/2)]*self.balanced_class_weight[class_label])
-            # restart
+            for start in range(0, len(shuffled_idx), int(self.batch_size/2)):
+                yield (x_train[shuffled_idx[start:start+int(self.batch_size/2)]],
+                       y_train[shuffled_idx[start:start+int(self.batch_size/2)]],
+                       w_train[shuffled_idx[start:start+int(self.batch_size/2)]]*self.balanced_class_weight[class_label])
     def yield_balanced_batch(self):
         "generate batches with equal amounts of both classes"
         logcounter = 0
-        for batch_0, batch_1 in izip(self.yield_batch(0), self.yield_batch(1)):
+        for batch_0, batch_1 in izip(self.yield_single_class_batch(0),
+                                     self.yield_single_class_batch(1)):
             if logcounter == 10:
                 logger.debug("\rSumw sig*balanced_class_weight[1]: {}".format(np.sum(batch_1[2])))
                 logger.debug("\rSumw bkg*balanced_class_weight[0]: {}".format(np.sum(batch_0[2])))
@@ -809,8 +817,9 @@ class ClassificationProject(object):
                                self.y_train.reshape(-1, 1),
                                validation_split = self.validation_split,
-                               class_weight=self.class_weight,
-                               sample_weight=self.w_train,
+                               # we have to multiply by class weight since keras ignores class weight if sample weight is given
+                               # see https://github.com/keras-team/keras/issues/497
+                               sample_weight=self.w_train*np.array(self.class_weight)[self.y_train.astype(int)],
@@ -850,18 +859,18 @@ class ClassificationProject(object):
         self.total_epochs += epochs
         self._write_info("epochs", self.total_epochs)
+    def evaluate_train_test(self, do_train=True, do_test=True):
         logger.info("Reloading (and re-transforming) unshuffled training data")
-        logger.info("Create/Update scores for ROC curve")
-        self.scores_test = self.model.predict(self.x_test)
-        self.scores_train = self.model.predict(self.x_train)
-        self._dump_to_hdf5("scores_train", "scores_test")
-        logger.info("Creating all validation plots")
-        self.plot_all()
+        logger.info("Create/Update scores for train/test sample")
+        if do_test:
+            self.scores_test = self.model.predict(self.x_test)
+            self._dump_to_hdf5("scores_test")
+        if do_train:
+            self.scores_train = self.model.predict(self.x_train)
+            self._dump_to_hdf5("scores_train")
     def evaluate(self, x_eval):
@@ -885,9 +894,9 @@ class ClassificationProject(object):
             logger.info("Evaluating score for entry {}/{}".format(start, entries))
             logger.debug("Loading next batch")
             x_from_tree = tree2array(tree,
-                                     branches=self.fields+self.identifiers,
+                                     branches=self.branches+self.identifiers,
                                      start=start, stop=start+batch_size)
-            x_eval = rec2array(x_from_tree[self.fields])
+            x_eval = rec2array(x_from_tree[self.branches])
             if len(self.identifiers) > 0:
                 # create list of booleans that indicate which events where used for training
@@ -959,7 +968,10 @@ class ClassificationProject(object):
         # range_sig = np.percentile(sig, [1, 99])
         # range_bkg = np.percentile(sig, [1, 99])
         # plot_range = (min(range_sig[0], range_bkg[0]), max(range_sig[1], range_sig[1]))
-        plot_range = weighted_quantile(self.x_train[:,var_index], [0.1, 0.99], sample_weight=self.w_train*np.array(self.class_weight)[self.y_train.astype(int)])
+        plot_range = weighted_quantile(
+            self.x_train[:,var_index], [0.01, 0.99],
+            sample_weight=self.w_train*np.array(self.class_weight)[self.y_train.astype(int)]
+        )
         logger.debug("Calculated range based on percentiles: {}".format(plot_range))
@@ -1342,6 +1354,186 @@ class ClassificationProjectDataFrame(ClassificationProject):
+class ClassificationProjectRNN(ClassificationProject):
+    """
+    A little wrapper to use recurrent units for things like jet collections
+    """
+    def __init__(self, name,
+                 recurrent_field_names=None,
+                 rnn_layer_nodes=32,
+                 mask_value=-999,
+                 **kwargs):
+        """
+        recurrent_field_names example:
+        [["jet1Pt", "jet1Eta", "jet1Phi"],
+         ["jet2Pt", "jet2Eta", "jet2Phi"],
+         ["jet3Pt", "jet3Eta", "jet3Phi"]],
+        [["lep1Pt", "lep1Eta", "lep1Phi", "lep1flav"],
+         ["lep2Pt", "lep2Eta", "lep2Phi", "lep2flav"]],
+        """
+        super(ClassificationProjectRNN, self).__init__(name, **kwargs)
+        self.recurrent_field_names = recurrent_field_names
+        if self.recurrent_field_names is None:
+            self.recurrent_field_names = []
+        self.rnn_layer_nodes = rnn_layer_nodes
+        self.mask_value = mask_value
+        # convert to  of indices
+        self.recurrent_field_idx = []
+        for field_name_list in self.recurrent_field_names:
+            field_names = np.array([field_name_list])
+            if field_names.dtype == np.object:
+                raise ValueError(
+                    "Invalid entry for recurrent fields: {} - "
+                    "please ensure that the length for all elements in the list is equal"
+                    .format(field_names)
+                )
+            field_idx = (
+                np.array([self.fields.index(field_name)
+                          for field_name in field_names.reshape(-1)])
+                .reshape(field_names.shape)
+            )
+            self.recurrent_field_idx.append(field_idx)
+        self.flat_fields = []
+        for field in self.fields:
+            if any(self.fields.index(field) in field_idx.reshape(-1) for field_idx in self.recurrent_field_idx):
+                continue
+            self.flat_fields.append(field)
+        if self.scaler_type != "WeightedRobustScaler":
+            raise NotImplementedError(
+                "Invalid scaler '{}' - only WeightedRobustScaler is currently supported for RNN"
+                .format(self.scaler_type)
+            )
+    def _transform_data(self):
+        self.x_train[self.x_train == self.mask_value] = np.nan
+        self.x_test[self.x_test == self.mask_value] = np.nan
+        super(ClassificationProjectRNN, self)._transform_data()
+        self.x_train[np.isnan(self.x_train)] = self.mask_value
+        self.x_test[np.isnan(self.x_test)] = self.mask_value
+    @property
+    def model(self):
+        if self._model is None:
+            # following the setup from the tutorial:
+            # https://github.com/YaleATLAS/CERNDeepLearningTutorial
+            rnn_inputs = []
+            rnn_channels = []
+            for field_idx in self.recurrent_field_idx:
+                chan_inp = Input(field_idx.shape[1:])
+                channel = Masking(mask_value=self.mask_value)(chan_inp)
+                channel = GRU(self.rnn_layer_nodes)(channel)
+                # TODO: configure dropout for recurrent layers
+                #channel = Dropout(0.3)(channel)
+                rnn_inputs.append(chan_inp)
+                rnn_channels.append(channel)
+            flat_input = Input((len(self.flat_fields),))
+            if self.dropout_input is not None:
+                flat_channel = Dropout(rate=self.dropout_input)(flat_input)
+            else:
+                flat_channel = flat_input
+            combined = concatenate(rnn_channels+[flat_channel])
+            for node_count, dropout_fraction in zip(self.nodes, self.dropout):
+                combined = Dense(node_count, activation=self.activation_function)(combined)
+                if (dropout_fraction is not None) and (dropout_fraction > 0):
+                    combined = Dropout(rate=dropout_fraction)(combined)
+            combined = Dense(1, activation=self.activation_function_output)(combined)
+            self._model = Model(inputs=rnn_inputs+[flat_input], outputs=combined)
+            self._compile_or_load_model()
+        return self._model
+    def train(self, epochs=10):
+        self.load()
+        for branch_index, branch in enumerate(self.fields):
+            self.plot_input(branch_index)
+        try:
+            self.shuffle_training_data() # needed here too, in order to get correct validation data
+            self.is_training = True
+            logger.info("Training on batches for RNN")
+            # note: the batches have class_weight already applied
+            self.model.fit_generator(self.yield_batch(),
+                                     steps_per_epoch=int(len(self.training_data[0])/self.batch_size),
+                                     epochs=epochs,
+                                     validation_data=self.class_weighted_validation_data,
+                                     callbacks=self.callbacks_list)
+            self.is_training = False
+        except KeyboardInterrupt:
+            logger.info("Interrupt training - continue with rest")
+        logger.info("Save history")
+        self._dump_history()
+    def get_input_list(self, x):
+        "Format the input starting from flat ntuple"
+        x_input = []
+        for field_idx in self.recurrent_field_idx:
+            x_recurrent = x[:,field_idx.reshape(-1)].reshape(-1, *field_idx.shape[1:])
+            x_input.append(x_recurrent)
+        x_flat = x[:,[self.fields.index(field_name) for field_name in self.flat_fields]]
+        x_input.append(x_flat)
+        return x_input
+    def yield_batch(self):
+        x_train, y_train, w_train = self.training_data
+        while True:
+            shuffled_idx = np.random.permutation(len(x_train))
+            for start in range(0, len(shuffled_idx), int(self.batch_size)):
+                x_batch = x_train[shuffled_idx[start:start+int(self.batch_size)]]
+                y_batch = y_train[shuffled_idx[start:start+int(self.batch_size)]]
+                w_batch = w_train[shuffled_idx[start:start+int(self.batch_size)]]
+                x_input = self.get_input_list(x_batch)
+                yield (x_input,
+                       y_train[shuffled_idx[start:start+int(self.batch_size)]],
+                       w_batch*np.array(self.class_weight)[y_batch.astype(int)])
+    @property
+    def class_weighted_validation_data(self):
+        "class weighted validation data. Attention: Shuffle training data before using this!"
+        x_val, y_val, w_val = super(ClassificationProjectRNN, self).class_weighted_validation_data
+        x_val_input = self.get_input_list(x_val)
+        return x_val_input, y_val, w_val
+    def evaluate_train_test(self, do_train=True, do_test=True, batch_size=10000):
+        logger.info("Reloading (and re-transforming) unshuffled training data")
+        self.load(reload=True)
+        def eval_score(data_name):
+            logger.info("Create/Update scores for {} sample".format(data_name))
+            n_events = len(getattr(self, "x_"+data_name))
+            setattr(self, "scores_"+data_name, np.empty(n_events))
+            for start in range(0, n_events, batch_size):
+                stop = start+batch_size
+                getattr(self, "scores_"+data_name)[start:stop] = self.model.predict(self.get_input_list(getattr(self, "x_"+data_name)[start:stop])).reshape(-1)
+            self._dump_to_hdf5("scores_"+data_name)
+        if do_test:
+            eval_score("test")
+        if do_train:
+            eval_score("train")
+    def evaluate(self, x_eval):
+        logger.debug("Evaluate score for {}".format(x_eval))
+        x_eval = np.array(x_eval) # copy
+        x_eval[x_eval==self.mask_value] = np.nan
+        x_eval = self.scaler.transform(x_eval)
+        x_eval[np.isnan(x_eval)] = self.mask_value
+        logger.debug("Evaluate for transformed array: {}".format(x_eval))
+        return self.model.predict(self.get_input_list(x_eval))
 if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/utils.py b/utils.py
index 1da306ca79f3b350d9e12708c942254ddebea067..5f6145ffb8a59008551c1945dfeaa717b687292a 100644
--- a/utils.py
+++ b/utils.py
@@ -134,13 +134,25 @@ def weighted_quantile(values, quantiles, sample_weight=None, values_sorted=False
 class WeightedRobustScaler(RobustScaler):
     def fit(self, X, y=None, weights=None):
-        RobustScaler.fit(self, X, y)
+        if not np.isnan(X).any():
+            # these checks don't work for nan values
+            super(WeightedRobustScaler, self).fit(X, y)
         if weights is None:
             return self
-            wqs = np.array([weighted_quantile(X[:,i], [0.25, 0.5, 0.75], sample_weight=weights) for i in range(X.shape[1])])
+            wqs = np.array([weighted_quantile(X[:,i][~np.isnan(X[:,i])], [0.25, 0.5, 0.75], sample_weight=weights) for i in range(X.shape[1])])
             self.center_ = wqs[:,1]
             self.scale_ = wqs[:,2]-wqs[:,0]
             self.scale_ = _handle_zeros_in_scale(self.scale_, copy=False)
+            print(self.scale_)
             return self
+    def transform(self, X):
+        if np.isnan(X).any():
+            # we'd like to ignore nan values, so lets calculate without further checks
+            X -= self.center_
+            X /= self.scale_
+            return X
+        else:
+            return super(WeightedRobustScaler, self).transform(X)