import xarray as xr import logging def get_pv_field_name(ds): v_names = ["pv", "PV", "pv_avg200-500"] for v_name in v_names: if v_name in ds.data_vars: return v_name return None def pv_to_pvu(ds, config): pv_str = get_pv_field_name(ds) if pv_str is None: logging.error("Could not detect PV field in dataset. Expected pv, PV") exit(1) if config.pv_data_unit == 'pv': ds = ds.assign(pvu=lambda d: d[pv_str] * 1e6) elif config.pv_data_unit == 'pvu': ds = ds.assign(pvu=lambda d: d[pv_str] * 1) else: raise Exception("Unknown pv_data_unit.") return ds def pvu_to_pvu2(ds): # logic: pvu>-500(def) AND ((>0N and pvu>2) OR (<0N and pvu<-2)) ds['pvu2'] = xr.ufuncs.logical_and(ds.pvu > -500.0, xr.ufuncs.logical_or(ds.pvu > 2.0, ds.pvu < -2.0)) return ds def compute_global_fields(dataset: xr.Dataset, config): # from PV -> PVU -> PVU2 (binary thresholding 2pvu) dataset = pv_to_pvu(dataset, config) dataset = pvu_to_pvu2(dataset) return dataset def filter_dataset(dataset: xr.Dataset, theta_range, layer_2d): from enstools.feature.util.enstools_utils import get_latitude_dim, get_vertical_dim l_dim = get_latitude_dim(dataset) # also make sure top is north pole dataset = dataset.sortby(l_dim) # TODO only nh if dataset.coords[l_dim].values.min() < 0: print("Emit southern hemisphere, currently only concepted for NH.") dataset = dataset.sel({l_dim: slice(0, 90)}) # dataset = dataset.sortby(l_dim, ascending=False) z_dim = get_vertical_dim(dataset) if theta_range is not None: dataset = dataset.sel({z_dim: slice(*theta_range)}) elif layer_2d is not None: dataset = dataset.sel({z_dim: layer_2d}) return dataset