# Usage Example from enstools.feature.pipeline import FeaturePipeline from enstools.feature.identification.pv_streamer import PVIdentification, PVWernliSprenger2007 import os pipeline = FeaturePipeline() # init PVIdentification strategy, can take different parameters i_strat = PVIdentification(unit='pv') #, mode_2d_layer=330) # theta_range=(300, 380), extract_containing_layer=330) # or strategy by Wernli and Sprenger (2007). Note: Fortran required and manual adaptation of scripts needed. # change contour.f level too, also if data in PV/PVU adapt param. # also pretty restrictive filewise. only global. need -180lon and 180lon. # i_strat = PVWernliSprenger2007(unit='pv') # t_strat = OverlapTracking() # t_strat = EmptyTr() pipeline.set_identification_strategy(i_strat) pipeline.set_tracking_strategy(None) # TODO set data path # data_path = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), 'data/ERA5/vietnam2015.nc') pipeline.set_data_path(data_path) # execute pipeline pipeline.execute() out_netcdf_path = data_path + '_streamers_stereo.nc' out_json_path = data_path + '_streamers.json' pipeline.save_result(description_type='json', description_path=out_json_path, dataset_path=out_netcdf_path)