# source this file! if [[ "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" == "${0}" ]] ; then echo "ERROR: this file is only sourced by other venv-* files!" exit 1 fi # load settings for this package source package.conf # get the local side function get_site() { RESULT=$(hostname -d | sed 's/\./ /g' | rev | awk '{ print $1"."$2}' | rev) echo $RESULT } # prepare the environment for the current site function setup_environment() { # the name of the current site is the last part of the # top-level domain with dots replaced by dashes, e.g., uni-muenchen-de. site=$(get_site) env_site="environment-${site/./-}.sh" if [[ ! -f ${env_site} ]] ; then echo "INFO: No site-specific settings found (no ${env_site})!" else source ${env_site} fi }