from enstools.feature.identification.pv_streamer.processing import * from enstools.feature.identification import IdentificationTechnique import xarray as xr import numpy as np import copy from enstools.feature.identification.pv_streamer.object_desc import get_object_data from enstools.feature.identification.pv_streamer.projection_cdo import project_latlon_to_stereo, project_stereo_to_latlon from enstools.feature.util.pb2_properties_api import ObjectProperties class PVIdentification(IdentificationTechnique): def __init__(self, unit='pv', mode_2d_layer=None, theta_range=None, extract_containing=None, centroid_lat_thr=None, out_type='stereo', **kwargs): """ Initialize the PV Identification. Parameters (experimental) ---------- unit pv data unit: 'pv' or 'pvu' mode_2d_layer 2d identification for given layer in dataset theta_range slice this range out of dataset to process extract_containing extract objects contains the selected layer (K) or overlaps with selected layer-range centroid_lat_thr only keep if centroid is north of this threshold out_type stereo or ll for latlon output kwargs """ self.config = None # config self.distance_map = None # precomputed distance map, reduced from 8 directions to one due to conformal projection self.area_map = None # precomputed area map (km^2 per stereographic pixel) # put custom args self.pv_data_unit = unit self.theta_range = theta_range self.sel_layer = extract_containing self.centroid_lat_thr = centroid_lat_thr # centroid < thr degree north -> discard self.layer_2d_id = mode_2d_layer self.out_type = out_type pass def precompute(self, dataset: xr.Dataset, **kwargs): print("Precompute for PV identification...") # init filter dataset, remove stuff we do not need, makes processing faster from .data_util import compute_global_fields, filter_dataset dataset = filter_dataset(dataset, self.theta_range, self.layer_2d_id) # create configuration from .configuration import DetectionConfig self.config = DetectionConfig.config_from_dataset(dataset) self.config.pv_data_unit = self.pv_data_unit self.config.sel_layer = self.sel_layer self.config.centroid_lat_thr = self.centroid_lat_thr pv = dataset[self.config.pv_dim] # make invalid pole points valid pv_tmp = xr.where(np.logical_and(pv[self.config.latitude_dim] == 90, pv <= -999), 10, pv) dataset[self.config.pv_dim].values = pv_tmp.transpose(*pv.dims).values # if we go later back to latlon, create grid desc. if self.out_type == 'll': import tempfile with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode = "w", delete=False) as tmp: self.tmp_gf_name = gf = ('gridtype = lonlat' + "\nxsize=" + str(self.config.lon_indices_len) + "\nysize=" + str(self.config.lat_indices_len) + "\nxfirst=" + str(self.config.lon_min) + "\nyfirst=" + str(self.config.lat_min) + "\nxinc=" + str(self.config.res_lon) + "\nyinc=" + str(self.config.res_lat) ) tmp.write(gf) # transform dataset to stereographic stereo_ds = project_latlon_to_stereo(dataset) # computes pvu, pvu2 stereo_ds = compute_global_fields(stereo_ds, self.config) from .projection_cdo import precompute_distance_map_simple, precompute_area_map_simple self.distance_map = precompute_distance_map_simple(stereo_ds) self.area_map = precompute_area_map_simple(self.distance_map) # if only 2D dataset, create third dimension for uniform handling from enstools.feature.util.enstools_utils import get_vertical_dim, add_vertical_dim if self.config.dims == 2: add_vertical_dim(stereo_ds, inplace=True) self.config.vertical_dim = get_vertical_dim(stereo_ds) # internal fields (resp. output fields) stereo_ds['streamer'] = xr.zeros_like(stereo_ds[self.config.pv_dim], dtype=int) # stereo_ds['inner_PV'] = xr.zeros_like(stereo_ds[self.config.pv_dim], dtype=float) a debug mode # TODO drop for this algorithm unneccessary fields. speedup later (drop pv?) return stereo_ds # main identify, called on spatial 2d/3d subsets from enstools-feature. def identify(self, spatial_stereo_ds: xr.Dataset, object_block, **kwargs): print("PV identify") levels_list = spatial_stereo_ds.coords[self.config.vertical_dim].values # preprocess binary fields: remove disturbances etc. in 2d, in 3d more flexible if spatial_stereo_ds['pvu2'].data.ndim == 3 and spatial_stereo_ds['pvu2'].data.shape[0] > 1: preprocessed_pvu2 = spatial_stereo_ds['pvu2'].data else: preprocessed_pvu2 = preprocess_pvu2(spatial_stereo_ds['pvu2'], self.config) # spatial_stereo_ds['pvu2'].data # create distance map from outer contour using precomputed distance functions dist_from_outer = create_dist_map_outer(preprocessed_pvu2, self.config, self.distance_map) core_reservoir = (dist_from_outer > self.config.alg.w_bar) # get data pole: maximum distance from boundary (center of reservoir) pv_pole = get_data_pole(dist_from_outer) # core_reservoir might have multiple areas: which one is main reservoir? flood biggest one (pole!)! # also compute mask containing cutoffs (isolated areas) # overwrite core_reservoir with only biggest one core_reservoir, cutoff_mask = flood_reservoir(core_reservoir, preprocessed_pvu2, pv_pole) if core_reservoir.ndim == 3 and core_reservoir.shape[0] > 1: # 3d keep top layer where growing can start core_reservoir[-1] = preprocessed_pvu2[-1] # ceate distance map from outer boundary of inner reservoir growing outwards, only in pvu>2 regions. dist_expand = create_dist_map_inner(core_reservoir, preprocessed_pvu2, self.config, self.distance_map) # set isolated areas as infinite distance from main reservoir dist_expand[cutoff_mask] = np.inf streamer_areas = (dist_expand > self.config.alg.w_bar * 1.05) # bit delta for subpixel inacc. del core_reservoir """ from .plotting import plot_pvu2_binary, plot_erosion, plot_inner_binary, plot_dilation, plot_streamer_areas, \ plot_pvu2_pp, plot_erosion_animate, plot_dilation_animate # plot_pvu2_binary(spatial_stereo_ds, self.config) # plot_pvu2_pp(spatial_stereo_ds, preprocessed_pvu2, self.config) # plot_erosion(spatial_stereo_ds, dist_from_outer, self.config) # plot_erosion_animate(spatial_stereo_ds, dist_from_outer, self.config) # plot_inner_binary(spatial_stereo_ds, core_reservoir, self.config) # plot_dilation(spatial_stereo_ds, dist_expand, self.config) # plot_dilation_animate(spatial_stereo_ds, dist_expand, self.config) # plot_streamer_areas(spatial_stereo_ds, dist_expand, streamer_areas_exact, self.config) # exit() """ # filter area based. here also 3d filtering strategy streamer_areas = filter_area_based(streamer_areas, preprocessed_pvu2, self.config) # data_filtering # label continuous 3d areas labeled_areas = label_areas(streamer_areas) del preprocessed_pvu2 del streamer_areas # labeled_areas[~spatial_stereo_ds['pvu2']] = 0 # mask areas from holes closed before spatial_stereo_ds['streamer'].values = labeled_areas # generate object descriptions object_properties_with_corres_indices = get_object_data(spatial_stereo_ds, levels_list, dist_expand, self.area_map, self.config) # filter object descriptions spatial_stereo_ds, object_properties_with_corres_indices = filter_object_based(spatial_stereo_ds, object_properties_with_corres_indices, self.config) # squish filtered IDs. spatial_stereo_ds, object_properties_with_corres_indices = squish(spatial_stereo_ds, object_properties_with_corres_indices) for id_, obj in object_properties_with_corres_indices: ObjectProperties.add_to_objects(object_block, obj, id=id_) del dist_from_outer del dist_expand del cutoff_mask """ # TODO one debug mode: reservoir is reextended core. so new_PV v streamers = PV spatial_stereo_ds['inner_PV'].values = copy.deepcopy(spatial_stereo_ds[ self.config.pv_dim].values) spatial_stereo_ds['inner_PV'].values[spatial_stereo_ds['streamer'].values.astype(dtype=bool)] = 0 """ del labeled_areas return spatial_stereo_ds def postprocess(self, dataset: xr.Dataset, pb2_desc, **kwargs): dropped = dataset.drop_vars(['pvu', 'pvu2', 'lat_field', 'lon_field']) # if 2d remove 3rd dim if self.config.dims == 2: pv = dropped[self.config.pv_dim] streamers = dropped['streamer'] pv = pv.squeeze(dim=self.config.vertical_dim, drop=True) streamers = streamers.squeeze(dim=self.config.vertical_dim, drop=True) dropped[self.config.pv_dim] = pv dropped['streamer'] = streamers if self.out_type == 'll': dropped = project_stereo_to_latlon(dropped, self.tmp_gf_name) return dropped, pb2_desc