diff --git a/enstools/feature/identification/african_easterly_waves/climatology.py b/enstools/feature/identification/african_easterly_waves/climatology.py
index 8bd6ed484a5c61b2b485e006d38a928e52734b3d..964b83ec97ca1a35568916186cd2044ce67d4c87 100644
--- a/enstools/feature/identification/african_easterly_waves/climatology.py
+++ b/enstools/feature/identification/african_easterly_waves/climatology.py
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ def compute_climatology(cfg):
     last = '2019-12-31'
     cv_database_dir = cfg.cv_data_dir
+    print(cv_database_dir)
     f = xr.open_mfdataset(cv_database_dir + "*.nc").sel(
         # plev=slice(plev, plev), 
diff --git a/enstools/feature/identification/african_easterly_waves/configuration.py b/enstools/feature/identification/african_easterly_waves/configuration.py
index 2a478d122bb5c306def9b3b68ebd3378dc8f4100..62388c78f96bdb703f7247a5ab7bc4116c7e017f 100644
--- a/enstools/feature/identification/african_easterly_waves/configuration.py
+++ b/enstools/feature/identification/african_easterly_waves/configuration.py
@@ -11,25 +11,12 @@ import numpy as np
 data_lat = (-15, 35)
 data_lon = (-100, 45)
-aew_clim_dir = '/lsdf/MOD/Gruppe_Transregio/Gruppe_Knippertz/kitweather/data/era5/cv_clim_era5.nc' # 'C:\\Users\\Christoph\\phd\\data\\enstools-feature\\cv_clim_era5.nc' # '/home/christoph/phd/data/aew/clim/cv_clim_era5.nc' # '/home/christoph/phd/data/framework_example_ds/aew/' # '/project/meteo/w2w/C3/fischer/belanger/aew_clim/' #
-in_files = '/home/ws/he7273/phd_all/data/coll_oper/jja2021/jja2021.nc' # 'C:\\Users\\Christoph\\phd\\data\\enstools-feature\\2008_sum_uv.nc' # '/home/christoph/phd/data/framework_example_ds/aew/cv_aug_08.nc'
+cv_clim_file = '/lsdf/MOD/Gruppe_Transregio/Gruppe_Knippertz/kitweather/data/climatologies/cv_climatology_era5/cv_clim_era5.nc'
-out_dir = join('/home/ws/he7273/phd_all/data/aew/out/') # '/project/meteo/w2w/C3/fischer/belanger/out/'
-plot_dir = join('/home/ws/he7273/phd_all/data/aew/plots/') # '/project/meteo/w2w/C3/fischer/belanger/plots/'
-timedelta_ana = np.timedelta64(7, 'D')
-# aew_kitweather_ecmwf_dir = '/lsdf/MOD/Gruppe_Transregio/Gruppe_Knippertz/kitweather/data/ecmwf-hres/forecasts/'
-# num_files_ecmwf = 41 # files in finished forecast data
-# file_prefix_ecmwf = 'ecmwf-hres_latlon_1.0deg_'
-# file_prefix_ecmwf_rain = 'ecmwf-hres_latlon_0.4deg_'
-# aew_kitweather_icon_dir = '/lsdf/MOD/Gruppe_Transregio/Gruppe_Knippertz/kitweather/data/icon-global-det/forecasts/'
-# num_files_icon = 31 # files in finished forecast data
-# file_prefix_icon = 'icon-global-det_latlon_1.0deg_'
-# file_prefix_icon_rain = 'icon-global-det_latlon_0.25deg_'
 plot_dir_ecmwf = '/home/iconeps/plots/aew/ecmwf-hres/' # '/project/meteo/w2w/C3/fischer/belanger/plots/'
 plot_dir_ecmwf_prefix = 'aew_ecmwf-hres_'
+plot_dir_aifs = '/home/iconeps/plots/aew/ecmwf-aifs/' # '/project/meteo/w2w/C3/fischer/belanger/plots/'
+plot_dir_aifs_prefix = 'aew_ecmwf-aifs_'
 plot_dir_ecmwf_ens = '/home/iconeps/plots/aew/ecmwf-ens/' # '/project/meteo/w2w/C3/fischer/belanger/plots/'
 plot_dir_ecmwf_ens_prefix = 'aew_ecmwf-ens_'
 plot_dir_icon = '/home/iconeps/plots/aew/icon-global-det/' # '/project/meteo/w2w/C3/fischer/belanger/plots/'
@@ -42,17 +29,18 @@ plot_dir_gfs_ens_prefix = 'aew_gefs_'
 ens_rain_threshold = 1.0 # display prob of exceeding X mm hr-1
 latest_run_dir = '/home/iconeps/plots/aew/'
-latest_run_info_file_name = 'latest_aew_run.txt'
+latest_run_det_info_file_name = 'latest_aew_det_run.txt'
+latest_run_ens_info_file_name = 'latest_aew_ens_run.txt'
 # out_dir = join(expanduser("~") + '/phd/data/aew/out/') # '/project/meteo/w2w/C3/fischer/belanger/out/'
-cv_data_dir = '/project/meteo/w2w/C2/athul/data_athul/AEW_cv_data/' # reference where ALL cv data is (only for clim calc.)
+cv_data_dir = '/lsdf/MOD/Gruppe_Transregio/Gruppe_Knippertz/kitweather/data/climatologies/raw_cv_era5/' # reference where ALL cv data is (only for clim calc.)
 cv_data_ex = join(cv_data_dir, '*.nc')
 def get_clim_file():
-    fn = aew_clim_dir
+    fn = cv_clim_file
     #fn = (aew_clim_dir + "cv_clim_" + str(abs(data_lat[1])) + ('N' if data_lat[1] > 0 else 'S') + "_"
     #      + str(abs(data_lat[0])) + ('N' if data_lat[0] > 0 else 'S') + "_"
     #      + str(abs(data_lon[0])) + ('E' if data_lon[0] > 0 else 'W') + "_"
@@ -118,4 +106,4 @@ def is_point_in_area(lon, lat):
         if 0 < lat < 26:
             return True
-    return False
\ No newline at end of file
+    return False
diff --git a/enstools/feature/identification/african_easterly_waves/identification.py b/enstools/feature/identification/african_easterly_waves/identification.py
index 8bd9b22d88839a5bf9f1ec1d1a0bd850abb37986..a0e19a775dac0afba96bb14ede12b60aae39bcee 100644
--- a/enstools/feature/identification/african_easterly_waves/identification.py
+++ b/enstools/feature/identification/african_easterly_waves/identification.py
@@ -234,6 +234,7 @@ class AEWIdentification(IdentificationStrategy):
                                          subplot_kws={'projection': ccrs.PlateCarree()})
         paths = c.collections[0].get_paths()
+        plt.close(fig)
         wt = data_chunk.wavetroughs
diff --git a/enstools/feature/identification/african_easterly_waves/plotting.py b/enstools/feature/identification/african_easterly_waves/plotting.py
index 8a49b0667eaad0c56d37d2784a923484fdc0c951..b7191211433dbe9c37a80a51c3e0c4f7b462cc05 100644
--- a/enstools/feature/identification/african_easterly_waves/plotting.py
+++ b/enstools/feature/identification/african_easterly_waves/plotting.py
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ from PIL import Image
 import matplotlib
 import matplotlib as mpl
 import matplotlib.patches as patches
+from cartopy.util import add_cyclic_point
 import cartopy.crs as ccrs
 import cartopy.feature as cfeature
 from datetime import datetime
@@ -16,7 +17,7 @@ from cartopy.mpl.gridliner import LONGITUDE_FORMATTER, LATITUDE_FORMATTER
 def get_kitweather_rain_cm(ens_mode):
     rgb_colors = []
-    pathtotxtfile = '/home/iconeps/icon_data/additional_data/colorpalettes/'
+    pathtotxtfile = '/home/iconeps/filter_scripts/aew_script/'
     if ens_mode:
         filename_colorpalette = 'colormap_WhiteBeigeGreenBlue_16.txt'
@@ -31,7 +32,7 @@ def get_kitweather_rain_cm(ens_mode):
     cmap = cmap.with_extremes(bad='white', under=rgb_colors[0], over=rgb_colors[-1])
     if ens_mode:
-        levels = [0.01,0.02,0.05,0.1,0.12,0.15,0.2,0.25,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.75]
+        levels = [0.01,0.02,0.05,0.1,0.15,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6,0.8,1.0]
         levels = [0.1,0.2,0.3,0.5,1,2,3,5,10,20,30,50]
     norm = mpl.colors.BoundaryNorm(levels, cmap.N)
@@ -98,14 +99,19 @@ def plot_ts_filtered_waves(wts_part_of_tracks, fig_name, ds=None, tp=None, ens_m
         ds.plot.streamplot(x='lon', y='lat', u='u', v='v', linewidth=0.6,
                    arrowsize = 0.5,
-                   color='black') # , transform_first=True not working, or is already implemented. still slow.
+                   color='black') #  not working, or is already implemented. still slow.
     t3 = timer()
     if tp is not None:
-        # transform to mm
-        tp.plot.contourf(levels=levels_rain, extend='max', subplot_kws={'transform_first': True},
-            cmap=rain_cm, norm=norm, add_colorbar=False)
+        tp_wrap_data, tp_wrap_lon = add_cyclic_point(tp.data, coord=tp.lon)
+        X, Y = np.meshgrid(tp_wrap_lon, tp.lat)
+        # use plt API to use wrapped latlonlev data
+        plt.contourf(X, Y, tp_wrap_data, levels=levels_rain, extend='max', cmap=rain_cm, norm=norm, transform_first=True)
+        # tp.plot.contourf(levels=levels_rain, extend='max', subplot_kws={'transform_first': True},
+        #     cmap=rain_cm, norm=norm, add_colorbar=False)
     t4 = timer()
@@ -142,24 +148,18 @@ def plot_ts_filtered_waves(wts_part_of_tracks, fig_name, ds=None, tp=None, ens_m
     plt.savefig(fig_name, format='png', backend='agg')
-    plt.figure().clear()
-    plt.close()
-    plt.cla()
-    plt.clf()
+    plt.close(fig)
     t6 = timer()
-    """
-    print("Init: " + str(t2 - t1))
-    print("Streamplot: " + str(t3 - t2))
-    print("Rain: " + str(t4 - t3))
-    print("Wavetroughs: " + str(t5 - t4))
-    print("Finalize: " + str(t6 - t5))
+    #print("Init: " + str(t2 - t1))
+    #print("Streamplot: " + str(t3 - t2))
+    #print("Rain: " + str(t4 - t3))
+    #print("Wavetroughs: " + str(t5 - t4))
+    #print("Finalize: " + str(t6 - t5))
-    print("Saved to " +  fig_name)
-    exit()
-    """
     print("Saved to " +  fig_name)
@@ -461,8 +461,10 @@ def plot_kw(tracks, ds, tp=None, plot_prefix=None, ens_mode=False):
     os.makedirs(plot_dir, exist_ok=True)
     if ens_mode and tp is not None:
+        print("Computing mean precip...")
         tp_thr = (tp > cfg.ens_rain_threshold).astype(dtype=float)
-        tp_prob = tp_thr.mean(dim="member") # TODO get_member_dim?
+        tp_prob = tp_thr.mean(dim="member").compute() # TODO get_member_dim?
+        print("Done.")
         tp = tp_prob
     # call plotting for each date
@@ -476,6 +478,7 @@ def plot_kw(tracks, ds, tp=None, plot_prefix=None, ens_mode=False):
         except (KeyError, AttributeError) as e:
             print("No rain data for " + str(date))
             tp_ss = None
         plot_ts_filtered_waves(wavetroughs_in_tracks[date], fig_name, ds=ds_ss, tp=tp_ss, ens_mode=ens_mode)
diff --git a/enstools/feature/identification/african_easterly_waves/run_identify.py b/enstools/feature/identification/african_easterly_waves/run_identify.py
index 2528313c5244a373977da6f5ecc7aae5db430059..baf343972ef340750f27f9c4227fa68854190554 100644
--- a/enstools/feature/identification/african_easterly_waves/run_identify.py
+++ b/enstools/feature/identification/african_easterly_waves/run_identify.py
@@ -35,6 +35,11 @@ if len(sys.argv) >= 3 and sys.argv[1] == '-kw':
         plot_dir = cfg.plot_dir_ecmwf
         plot_file_prefix = cfg.plot_dir_ecmwf_prefix
         ens_mode = False
+    elif sys.argv[2] == 'aifs_fc':
+        ds, run = get_aifs_forecast(run=run, include_analysis_delta=cfg.timedelta_ana, add_prec_rate=True)
+        plot_dir = cfg.plot_dir_aifs
+        plot_file_prefix = cfg.plot_dir_aifs_prefix
+        ens_mode = False
     elif sys.argv[2] == 'icon_fc':
         ds, run = get_icon_forecast(run=run, include_analysis_delta=cfg.timedelta_ana, add_prec_rate=True)
         plot_dir = cfg.plot_dir_icon
@@ -47,11 +52,15 @@ if len(sys.argv) >= 3 and sys.argv[1] == '-kw':
         ens_mode = False
     elif sys.argv[2] == 'ecmwf_ens':
         ds, run = get_ecmwf_ensemble(run=run, add_prec_rate=True)
+        # remove init time, has no rainfall in some models
+        ds = [ds_.isel(time=slice(1,None)) for ds_ in ds]
         plot_dir = cfg.plot_dir_ecmwf_ens
         plot_file_prefix = cfg.plot_dir_ecmwf_ens_prefix
         ens_mode = True
     elif sys.argv[2] == 'gfs_ens':
         ds, run = get_gfs_ensemble(run=run, add_prec_rate=True)
+        # remove init time, has no rainfall in some models
+        ds[0] = ds[0].isel(time=slice(1,None)) # GEFS has no 000h rain, cut first ds0
         plot_dir = cfg.plot_dir_gfs_ens
         plot_file_prefix = cfg.plot_dir_gfs_ens_prefix
         ens_mode = True
@@ -121,13 +130,20 @@ if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == '-kw':
     # All done. Update text file containing time of latest finished run.
-    if os.path.exists(cfg.plot_dir_ecmwf + run) and os.path.exists(cfg.plot_dir_icon + run) and os.path.exists(cfg.plot_dir_gfs + run) and not ens_mode:
-        print("Run " + run + " done for ECMWF, ICON, GFS. Update latest run info file.") 
-        yyyymmddhh = run[4:]
+    yyyymmddhh = run[4:]
+    if ens_mode and os.path.exists(cfg.plot_dir_ecmwf_ens + run):
+        print("Ensemble run " + run + " done for ECMWF, GFS. Update latest run info file.") 
+        latest_run_ens_file_path = cfg.latest_run_dir + cfg.latest_run_ens_info_file_name
+        with open(latest_run_ens_file_path, 'w+') as info_file:
+            info_file.write(yyyymmddhh)
-        latest_run_file_path = cfg.latest_run_dir + cfg.latest_run_info_file_name
+    if (not ens_mode) and (os.path.exists(cfg.plot_dir_ecmwf + run) or os.path.exists(cfg.plot_dir_icon + run) or os.path.exists(cfg.plot_dir_gfs + run)):
+        print("Det run " + run + " done for ECMWF, ICON, GFS. Update latest run info file.") 
+        latest_run_det_file_path = cfg.latest_run_dir + cfg.latest_run_det_info_file_name
-        with open(latest_run_file_path, 'w+') as info_file:
+        with open(latest_run_det_file_path, 'w+') as info_file:
     # All done. scp data over to webserver.
diff --git a/enstools/feature/tracking/african_easterly_waves/tracking.py b/enstools/feature/tracking/african_easterly_waves/tracking.py
index af1c6439da23384fb20acc91782da2465e89b832..9bd192621d303234366b3f345ae2e5986f1896f7 100644
--- a/enstools/feature/tracking/african_easterly_waves/tracking.py
+++ b/enstools/feature/tracking/african_easterly_waves/tracking.py
@@ -128,7 +128,8 @@ class AEWTracking(ObjectComparisonTracking):
                 # if nodes along track are predominantly horizontal orientated discard them.
-                lon_lat_ratio = [extent_lons[i] / extent_lats[i] for i in way_node_idxs]
+                lon_lat_ratio = [extent_lons[i] / extent_lats[i] if extent_lats[i] > 0.1 else extent_lons[i] for i in way_node_idxs]
                 if statistics.mean(lon_lat_ratio) > 1: