diff --git a/enstools/feature/identification/african_easterly_waves/configuration.py b/enstools/feature/identification/african_easterly_waves/configuration.py
index a1856f19e18aedc60d54aeef9933ffe821713431..e4a1c86d56854968cf60aca6ff1b4bad7d110d89 100644
--- a/enstools/feature/identification/african_easterly_waves/configuration.py
+++ b/enstools/feature/identification/african_easterly_waves/configuration.py
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python
 from os.path import expanduser, join
 from datetime import timedelta
+import numpy as np
 # data area
 # latN = 35
@@ -11,20 +12,23 @@ data_lat = (-35, 35)
 data_lon = (-100, 45)
 aew_clim_dir = '/lsdf/MOD/Gruppe_Transregio/Gruppe_Knippertz/kitweather/data/era5/cv_clim_era5.nc' # TODO # '/home/christoph/phd/data/framework_example_ds/aew/' # '/project/meteo/w2w/C3/fischer/belanger/aew_clim/' # 
+timedelta_ana = np.timedelta64(7, 'D')
-aew_kitweather_ecmwf_dir = '/lsdf/MOD/Gruppe_Transregio/Gruppe_Knippertz/kitweather/data/ecmwf-hres/forecasts/'
-num_files_ecmwf = 41 # files in finished forecast data
-file_prefix_ecmwf = 'ecmwf-hres_latlon_1.0deg_'
-file_prefix_ecmwf_rain = 'ecmwf-hres_latlon_0.4deg_'
+# aew_kitweather_ecmwf_dir = '/lsdf/MOD/Gruppe_Transregio/Gruppe_Knippertz/kitweather/data/ecmwf-hres/forecasts/'
+# num_files_ecmwf = 41 # files in finished forecast data
+# file_prefix_ecmwf = 'ecmwf-hres_latlon_1.0deg_'
+# file_prefix_ecmwf_rain = 'ecmwf-hres_latlon_0.4deg_'
 plot_dir_ecmwf = '/home/iconeps/plots/aew/ecmwf-hres/' # '/project/meteo/w2w/C3/fischer/belanger/plots/'
-aew_kitweather_icon_dir = '/lsdf/MOD/Gruppe_Transregio/Gruppe_Knippertz/kitweather/data/icon-global-det/forecasts/'
-num_files_icon = 31 # files in finished forecast data
-file_prefix_icon = 'icon-global-det_latlon_1.0deg_'
-file_prefix_icon_rain = 'icon-global-det_latlon_0.25deg_'
+# aew_kitweather_icon_dir = '/lsdf/MOD/Gruppe_Transregio/Gruppe_Knippertz/kitweather/data/icon-global-det/forecasts/'
+# num_files_icon = 31 # files in finished forecast data
+# file_prefix_icon = 'icon-global-det_latlon_1.0deg_'
+# file_prefix_icon_rain = 'icon-global-det_latlon_0.25deg_'
 plot_dir_icon = '/home/iconeps/plots/aew/icon-global-det/' # '/project/meteo/w2w/C3/fischer/belanger/plots/'
+plot_dir_gfs = '/home/iconeps/plots/aew/gfs/'
-latest_run_info_file_name = 'latest_run.txt'
+latest_run_dir = '/home/iconeps/plots/aew/'
+latest_run_info_file_name = 'latest_aew_run.txt'
 in_files = '/home/christoph/phd/data/aew/cv/2008cv.nc' # '/home/christoph/phd/data/framework_example_ds/aew/cv_aug_08.nc'
diff --git a/enstools/feature/identification/african_easterly_waves/identification.py b/enstools/feature/identification/african_easterly_waves/identification.py
index ccfef8a9e080dc4a1f690011f544e6ed06284c2b..7e25adcd999554ff8d826917aa8572944149e5de 100644
--- a/enstools/feature/identification/african_easterly_waves/identification.py
+++ b/enstools/feature/identification/african_easterly_waves/identification.py
@@ -86,6 +86,7 @@ class AEWIdentification(IdentificationTechnique):
         dataset = dataset.sortby(dataset[lon_str])
         # get the data we want to investigate
+        dataset = dataset.sortby(lat_str) # in case of descending
         dataset = dataset.sel(
             **{lat_str: slice(lat_range[0], lat_range[1])},
             **{lon_str: slice(lon_range[0], lon_range[1])},
diff --git a/enstools/feature/identification/african_easterly_waves/plotting.py b/enstools/feature/identification/african_easterly_waves/plotting.py
index a69843c14f83a48dd75f358d3d097145abf825cb..d95c4f3461735ba0dc1961353a16252f510d2f9b 100644
--- a/enstools/feature/identification/african_easterly_waves/plotting.py
+++ b/enstools/feature/identification/african_easterly_waves/plotting.py
@@ -83,11 +83,14 @@ def plot_ts_filtered_waves(wts_part_of_tracks, fig_name, ds=None, tp=None):
     t2 = timer()
     if ds is not None:
+        # print("Before dec")
+        # streamplot_func = _add_transform_first_to_streamplot(ds.plot.streamplot)
+        # print("After dec")
         ds.plot.streamplot(x='lon', y='lat', u='u', v='v', linewidth=0.6,
                    arrowsize = 0.5,
-                   color='black')
+                   color='black') # , transform_first=True not working, or is already implemented. still slow.
     t3 = timer()
     if tp is not None:
@@ -141,6 +144,9 @@ def plot_ts_filtered_waves(wts_part_of_tracks, fig_name, ds=None, tp=None):
     print("Rain: " + str(t4 - t3))
     print("Wavetroughs: " + str(t5 - t4))
     print("Finalize: " + str(t6 - t5))
+    print("Saved to " +  fig_name)
+    exit()
     print("Saved to " +  fig_name)
@@ -303,23 +309,27 @@ def plot_differences(set_graph, tracks, ds=None, tp=None, plot_prefix=None):
     if plot_prefix is None:
         plot_prefix = cfg.plot_dir
     # create subdirs if needed
-    # os.makedirs(plot_prefix, exist_ok=True)
+    plot_dir = '/'.join(plot_prefix.split('/')[:-1]) + '/'
+    os.makedirs(plot_dir, exist_ok=True)
     for date in dates_list:
         fig_name = plot_prefix + date[0:4] + date[5:7] + date[8:10] + "T" + date[11:13] + ".png"
         ds_ss = ds.sel(time=date)
-            tp_ss = tp.sel(time=date)
-            plot_ts_filtered_waves(wts_in_tracks[date], fig_name, ds=ds_ss, tp=tp_ss.tp) # wts_not_in_tracks[date], 
-        except KeyError:
+            tp_ss = tp.sel(time=date).tp
+        except (KeyError, AttributeError) as e:
             print("No rain data for " + str(date))
             tp_ss = None
+        plot_ts_filtered_waves(wts_in_tracks[date], fig_name, ds=ds_ss, tp=tp_ss) # wts_not_in_tracks[date], 
+        # except KeyError:
+        #     print("No rain data for " + str(date))
+        #     tp_ss = None
             # plot_ts_part_of_track(wts_in_tracks[date], wts_not_in_tracks[date], fig_name, ds=ds_ss, tp=tp_ss)
 def plot_track_from_graph(track_desc, fig_name_prefix, cv=None):
     nodes = [edge.parent for edge in track_desc.edges]
diff --git a/enstools/feature/identification/african_easterly_waves/run_identify.py b/enstools/feature/identification/african_easterly_waves/run_identify.py
index 0da89df5053ddeb76dbf0417a5f766cb1883817c..167f17d6ea7595a86c0826c55932479be52867e1 100644
--- a/enstools/feature/identification/african_easterly_waves/run_identify.py
+++ b/enstools/feature/identification/african_easterly_waves/run_identify.py
@@ -17,145 +17,33 @@ xr.set_options(keep_attrs=True)
 import numpy as np
 from pprint import pprint
+from kwutil import *
 pipeline = FeaturePipeline(african_easterly_waves_pb2, processing_mode='2d')
 # in_files_all_cv_data = cfg.cv_data_ex
-# for climatology
-# if len(sys.argv) > 1:
-#     proc_summer_of_year = int(sys.argv[1])
-#     if len(sys.argv) > 2:
-#         proc_month_of_year = int(sys.argv[2])
-if len(sys.argv) == 3 and sys.argv[1] == '-kw' and sys.argv[2] == 'ana':
-    # kitweather: make plots from available cached ecmwf analysis
-    data_fc_root = cfg.aew_kitweather_ecmwf_dir
-    in_file = data_fc_root + "*/*000h_tropicalvars.nc"
-    print("Executing for: " + in_file)
-elif len(sys.argv) >= 3 and sys.argv[1] == '-kw':
+if len(sys.argv) >= 3 and sys.argv[1] == '-kw':
     print("Executing in kitweather mode...")
     # kitweather: use last 7 days of analysis and the ecmwf forecast
+    run = None
+    if len(sys.argv) == 4:
+        run = sys.argv[3]
     if sys.argv[2] == 'ecmwf_fc':
-        data_fc_root = cfg.aew_kitweather_ecmwf_dir
-        num_files_in_fc = cfg.num_files_ecmwf
-        file_prefix = cfg.file_prefix_ecmwf
-        file_prefix_rain = cfg.file_prefix_ecmwf_rain
+        ds, run = get_ecmwf_forecast(run=run, include_analysis_delta=cfg.timedelta_ana, add_prec_rate=True)
     elif sys.argv[2] == 'icon_fc':
-        data_fc_root = cfg.aew_kitweather_icon_dir
-        num_files_in_fc = cfg.num_files_icon
-        file_prefix = cfg.file_prefix_icon
-        file_prefix_rain = cfg.file_prefix_icon_rain
+        ds, run = get_icon_forecast(run=run, include_analysis_delta=cfg.timedelta_ana, add_prec_rate=True)
+    elif sys.argv[2] == 'gfs_fc':
+        ds, run = get_gfs_forecast(run=run, include_analysis_delta=cfg.timedelta_ana, add_prec_rate=True)
         print("Unknown command line parameter " + sys.argv[2] + ", expected ecmwf_fc or icon_fc.")
-    # get latest subdirectory time as what we choose
-    all_subdirs = glob.glob(data_fc_root + "*/")
-    # if as additional argument run_YYYYMMDDHH, use this, otherwise find newest.
-    if len(sys.argv) == 4:
-        latest_subdir = data_fc_root + sys.argv[3] + '/'
-        forecast_files_glob = latest_subdir + file_prefix + "*"
-        fc_file_list = glob.glob(forecast_files_glob)
-        fc_rain_file_list = [fc_file.replace(file_prefix, file_prefix_rain).replace("tropicalvars", "tp") for fc_file in fc_file_list if "000h" not in fc_file]
-        if len(fc_file_list) < num_files_in_fc:
-            print("Missing files. Found " + str(len(fc_file_list)) + " files in forecast.")
-            print("Exit.")
-            exit(1)
-    else:
-        print("Collecting forecast files...")
-        sorted_subdirs = sorted(all_subdirs)
-        latest_subdir = sorted_subdirs[-1]
-        forecast_files_glob = latest_subdir + file_prefix + "*"
-        fc_file_list = glob.glob(forecast_files_glob)
-        fc_rain_file_list = [fc_file.replace(file_prefix, file_prefix_rain).replace("tropicalvars", "tp") for fc_file in fc_file_list if "000h" not in fc_file]
-        if len(fc_file_list) < num_files_in_fc:
-            print("Expected 41 files in " + forecast_files_glob + ", got " + str(len(fc_file_list)))
-            print("Trying previous timestep...")
-            latest_subdir = sorted_subdirs[-2]
-            forecast_files_glob = latest_subdir + file_prefix + "*"
-            fc_file_list = glob.glob(forecast_files_glob)
-            fc_rain_file_list = [fc_file.replace(file_prefix, file_prefix_rain).replace("tropicalvars", "tp") for fc_file in fc_file_list if "000h" not in fc_file]
-            if len(fc_file_list) < num_files_in_fc:
-                print("Missing files as well. Found " + str(len(fc_file_list)) + " files.")
-                print("Exit.")
-                exit(1)
-    print("Found all " + str(num_files_in_fc) + " forecast files at " + forecast_files_glob + ".")
-    # get last 7 days of analysis: 000h from previous runs
-    print("Collecting analysis files...")
-    all_subdirs_by_time = sorted(all_subdirs)
-    # get analysis files starting at latest_subdirs 7 days in the past
-    latest_subdir_rel_index = all_subdirs_by_time.index(latest_subdir) - len(all_subdirs_by_time)
-    last_7d_ana_subdirs = all_subdirs_by_time[latest_subdir_rel_index-28:latest_subdir_rel_index] # last 28 timesteps = last 7 days
-    last_7d_ana_glob = [sd + file_prefix + "*_000h_tropicalvars.nc" for sd in last_7d_ana_subdirs]
-    ana_file_list = []
-    for ana_ts_glob in last_7d_ana_glob:
-        cur_g = glob.glob(ana_ts_glob)
-        if len(cur_g) != 1:
-            print("Found " + str(len(cur_g)) + " files at " + ana_ts_glob + ", expected 1. Exit.")
-            exit(1)
-        ana_file_list.extend(cur_g)
-    print("Found " + str(len(ana_file_list)) + " analysis files.")
-    in_file = sorted(list(set(ana_file_list + fc_file_list))) # current 000h twice.
-    pprint(in_file)
-    print("Collecting rain data...")
-    # just get all tp 0.4deg 6h
-    ana_rain_files = glob.glob(data_fc_root + "*/" + file_prefix_rain + "*_006h_tp.nc")
-    # load forecast files separately: need to compute deltas from tp.
-    rain_fc_ds = xr.open_mfdataset(fc_rain_file_list)
-    rain_fc_tp = rain_fc_ds.tp
-    # rain_fc_tp_diff = rain_fc_tp.differentiate(coord="time", datetime_unit="6h")
-    times = rain_fc_tp.time.values
-    for t_idx, time in reversed(list(enumerate(times))):
-        if t_idx > 0:
-            rain_fc_tp.loc[dict(time=time)] = rain_fc_tp.isel(time=t_idx) - rain_fc_tp.isel(time=(t_idx-1))
-    rain_fc_ds['tp'] = rain_fc_tp
-    ana_rain_files = sorted(ana_rain_files)
-    rain_ana_ds = xr.open_mfdataset(ana_rain_files)
-    latest_ana_dt = rain_ana_ds.time[-1]
-    earliest_ana_dt = latest_ana_dt - np.timedelta64(7, 'D')
-    earliest_fc_dt = rain_fc_ds.time[0]
-    rain_ana_ds = rain_ana_ds.sel(time=(slice(earliest_ana_dt, earliest_fc_dt - np.timedelta64(1, 'h')))) # now-7days to fc start. TODO fc 000?
-    print(rain_ana_ds.time.data)
-    print(rain_fc_ds.time.data)
-    # select analysis data up to forecast start. sometimes overlap if future analysis gets downloaded. done above.
-    all_rain_ds = xr.merge([rain_ana_ds, rain_fc_ds])
-    # change total precipitation to hourly precip
-    all_rain_ds.tp.attrs['units'] = 'mm hr-1'
-    all_rain_ds.tp.attrs['long_name'] = 'Precipitation rate'
-    # kg m-2 = mm /// 1000 mm = m
-    # ecmwf is m, icon is kg m-2
-    # from 6hrly (downloaded) to hourly rate and m to mm
-    all_rain_ds['tp'] = all_rain_ds.tp / 6.0
-    if sys.argv[2] == 'ecmwf_fc':
-        all_rain_ds['tp'] = all_rain_ds.tp / 6.0 * 1000.0
+    data_ds = ds[0]
+    rain_ds = None if len(ds) == 1 else ds[1]
     print("Done collecting files.")
@@ -169,7 +57,8 @@ t_strat = AEWTracking()
+# pipeline.set_data_path(in_file)
 # execute pipeline
@@ -192,21 +81,23 @@ for trackable_set in od.sets:
     # for track_id, track in enumerate(tracks):
     #    plot_track(track, "track" + str(track_id))
-    ds = pipeline.get_data()
-    ds_set = get_subset_by_description(ds, trackable_set, '2d')
+    pipeline_ds = pipeline.get_data()
+    ds_set = get_subset_by_description(pipeline_ds, trackable_set, '2d')
     if len(sys.argv) >= 3 and sys.argv[1] == '-kw':
-        time_dir = os.path.basename(os.path.normpath(latest_subdir))
         if sys.argv[2] == 'ecmwf_fc':
             plot_dir = cfg.plot_dir_ecmwf
-            plot_prefix = cfg.plot_dir_ecmwf + time_dir + "/aew_ecmwf-hres_"
+            plot_prefix = cfg.plot_dir_ecmwf + run + "/aew_ecmwf-hres_"
         elif sys.argv[2] == 'icon_fc':
             plot_dir = cfg.plot_dir_icon
-            plot_prefix = cfg.plot_dir_icon + time_dir + "/aew_icon-global-det_"
+            plot_prefix = cfg.plot_dir_icon + run + "/aew_icon-global-det_"
+        elif sys.argv[2] == 'gfs_fc':
+            plot_dir = cfg.plot_dir_gfs
+            plot_prefix = cfg.plot_dir_gfs + run + "/aew_gfs_"
-            print("Unknown " + sys.argv[2])
+            print("Unknown in start plotting... " + sys.argv[2])
-        plot_differences(g, tracks, ds=ds_set, tp=all_rain_ds, plot_prefix=plot_prefix)
+        plot_differences(g, tracks, ds=ds_set, tp=rain_ds, plot_prefix=plot_prefix)
     elif len(sys.argv) >= 3 and sys.argv[1] == '-kw' and sys.argv[2] == 'ana':
@@ -214,28 +105,30 @@ for trackable_set in od.sets:
         plot_differences(g, tracks, ds=ds_set)
-time_dir = os.path.basename(os.path.normpath(latest_subdir))
 # no out data besides plots on kitweather
 if sys.argv[1] == '-kw':
     # delete old plots
     subdirs = [dI for dI in os.listdir(plot_dir) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(plot_dir,dI))]
     for sd in subdirs: # for each subdir in plot dir
-        if not sd == time_dir and datetime.fromtimestamp(os.path.getmtime(os.path.join(plot_dir, sd))) < datetime.now() - timedelta(days=7): # not touched in a week? delete it.
+        if not sd == run and datetime.fromtimestamp(os.path.getmtime(os.path.join(plot_dir, sd))) < datetime.now() - timedelta(days=7): # not touched in a week? delete it.
             print("Removing directory " + str(os.path.join(plot_dir, sd)))
             shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(plot_dir, sd))
     # All done. Update text file containing time of latest finished run.
-    yyyymmddhh = time_dir[4:]
+    if os.path.exists(cfg.plot_dir_ecmwf + run) and os.path.exists(cfg.plot_dir_icon + run) and os.path.exists(cfg.plot_dir_gfs + run):
+        print("Run " + run + " done for ECMWF, ICON, GFS. Update latest run info file.") 
+        yyyymmddhh = run[4:]
-    with open(plot_dir + cfg.latest_run_info_file_name, 'w+') as info_file:
-        info_file.write(yyyymmddhh)
+        latest_run_file_path = cfg.latest_run_dir + cfg.latest_run_info_file_name
+        with open(latest_run_file_path, 'w+') as info_file:
+            info_file.write(yyyymmddhh)
     # All done. scp data over to webserver.
     # TODO when port 22 free test.
     # TODO improve plotting performance
-    # TODO depending on ecmwf or icon
     path_webserver = '/home/iconeps/Data3/plots/ecmwf/aew_prediction_maps/'
     print('scp -r ' + cfg.plot_dir + time_dir + '/ ' + 'iconeps@imk-tss-web.imk-tro.kit.edu:' + path_webserver)
@@ -245,7 +138,7 @@ if sys.argv[1] == '-kw':
 # out_netcdf_path = data_path + '_streamers.nc'
 if len(sys.argv) == 1:
     out_json_path = out_dir + 'aew_desc.json'
     out_dataset_path = out_dir + '05_wt.nc'
@@ -257,12 +150,6 @@ else:
     out_json_path = out_dir + 'aew_desc_' + str(proc_summer_of_year) + '_' + m_str + '.json'
     out_dataset_path = out_dir + '05_wt_' + str(proc_summer_of_year) + '_' + m_str + '.nc'
 pipeline.save_result(description_type='json', description_path=out_json_path) # , dataset_path=out_dataset_path) # dataset_path=out_dataset_path,
-# , description_path=out_json_path, graph_path=out_graph_path
-# print("Plot.")
-# plot_timesteps_from_desc(od, pipeline.get_data())
-# plot_tracks_from_desc(od, None)