import numpy as np import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from scipy.optimize import curve_fit from scipy import odr class Analysis: """ Analysis class: This class computes mean and error on the detector output. It then fits the exact equations of motions for a particle in a magnetic field to the input data. The results can then be visualized with plots. """ def __init__(self): ... def fill(self, bounds): """ """ self.xBounds = pd.Series({'High' : bounds[:,0,0], 'Low' : bounds[:,0,1]}) self.yBounds = pd.Series({'High' : bounds[:,1,0], 'Low' : bounds[:,1,1]}) self.results = pd.DataFrame({'w' : np.zeros(2), 'vx' : np.zeros(2), 'vy' : np.zeros(2), 'vz' : np.zeros(2)}) #Determine mean and std self.xPoints = pd.DataFrame({'Mean': (bounds[1:,0,0] + bounds[1:,0,1])/2., 'Error': (bounds[1:,0,0] - bounds[1:,0,1])/np.sqrt(12.)}) self.yPoints = pd.DataFrame({'Mean': (bounds[1:,1,0] + bounds[1:,1,1])/2., 'Error': (bounds[1:,1,0] - bounds[1:,1,1])/np.sqrt(12.)}) self.zPoints = pd.DataFrame({'Mean': (bounds[1:,2,0] + bounds[1:,2,1])/2., 'Error': (bounds[1:,2,0] - bounds[1:,2,1])/np.sqrt(12.)}) self.tPoints = pd.DataFrame({'Mean': bounds[1:,3,0], 'Error': 1e-9}) """ print(self.xPoints) print(self.yPoints) print(self.zPoints) print(self.tPoints) """ """ def rmNone(self): #print(self.xBounds['High']) self.xBounds['High'] = np.array([x for x in self.xBounds['High'] if x is not None]) self.xBounds['Low'] = np.array([x for x in self.xBounds['Low'] if x is not None]) self.yBounds['High'] = np.array([x for x in self.yBounds['High'] if x is not None]) self.yBounds['Low'] = np.array([x for x in self.yBounds['Low'] if x is not None]) """ """---------------------------------------------------------------------------- FITTING Here we fit the data. As a fitting procedure we use ORTHOGONAL DISTANCE REGRESSION. We fit all three spacial dimensions with respect to time, which is the same as fitting path length for non-relativistic paricles. The fitting functions / equations of motion are xEOM, yEOM, zEOM. The actual fits are performed by the functions xFit, yFit, zFit. The fitting functions are called by the function Fit. It also collects all the results and fills them into the results dataframe. """ def Fit(self): """ This function performs all the fits. The most stable are xFit and zFit, so we use the results of those. As the fitting functions are non-trivial and the signs of the parameters can get mixed up, the correct signs are also determined within this function. """ xResults = self.xFit() yResults = self.yFit() zResults = self.zFit() """ print(xResults.beta) print(yResults.beta) print(zResults.beta) """ #Determine correct signs wSgn = 1 vySgn = 1 if yResults.beta[0] < 0 or yResults.beta[2] < 0: wSgn = -1 if yResults.beta[1] < 0: vySgn = -1 #Extract correct results from fitting and fill to results container self.results['vx'] = np.array([xResults.beta[0], xResults.sd_beta[0]]) #w = (np.abs(yResults.beta[0]) + np.abs(zResults.beta[0]))/2. #wStd = np.sqrt(yResults.sd_beta[0]**2 + zResults.sd_beta[0]**2) w = wSgn*np.abs(zResults.beta[0]) wStd = zResults.sd_beta[0] self.results['w'] = np.array([w , wStd]) #vy = ySgn*(np.abs(yResults.beta[1]) + np.abs(zResults.beta[1]))/2. #vyStd = np.sqrt(yResults.sd_beta[1]**2 + zResults.sd_beta[1]**2) vy = vySgn*np.abs(zResults.beta[1]) vyStd = zResults.sd_beta[1] self.results['vy'] = np.array([vy,vyStd]) #vz = zSgn*(np.abs(yResults.beta[2]) + np.abs(zResults.beta[2]))/2. #vzStd = np.sqrt(yResults.sd_beta[2]**2 + zResults.sd_beta[2]**2) vz = np.abs(zResults.beta[2]) vzStd = zResults.sd_beta[2] self.results['vz'] = np.array([vz,vzStd]) """ Equations of motion: w = qB/m, where q is the charge [C], B the magnetic field [T] and m the particle mass. Vx = initial x velocity of the particle Vy = initial y velocity of the particle Vz = initial z velocity of the particle """ def xEOM(self, B, t): """ B = [Vx] """ x = B[0]*t return x def yEOM(self, B, t): """ B = [w, Vy, Vz] """ #y = B[1] + np.sqrt(B[0]**2 - (z-B[2])**2) y = (1/B[0])*(B[2]*(1-np.cos(t*B[0])) + B[1]*np.sin(t*B[0])) return y def zEOM(self, B, t): """ B= [w, Vy, Vz] """ z = (1/B[0])*(-B[1]*(1-np.cos(t*B[0])) + B[2]*np.sin(t*B[0])) return z def pol(self, B, x): return B[0] + B[1]*x + B[2]*(x**2) + B[3]*(x**3) """ Functions running the ODR fits: We fit the collision points of the particle with the detector plate with respect to time. The fits are performed by the scipy.odr package. Initial guesses for parameters are specified by beta[0]. See fitting functions for a description of the parameters. """ def xFit(self): xModel = odr.Model(self.xEOM) xData = odr.RealData(self.tPoints['Mean'], self.xPoints['Mean'], sx = self.tPoints['Error'], sy = self.xPoints['Error']) xODR = odr.ODR(xData, xModel,beta0=[1])# beta0=[1, 100, 100, 100]) xOUT = #xOUT.pprint() print('The x fit was performend with chi2 = ', xOUT.res_var) #print(xOUT.sd_beta) return xOUT """ print('x ', xOUT.res_var) plt.plot(self.tPoints['Mean'],self.xEOM(xOUT.beta, self.tPoints['Mean'])) plt.plot(self.tPoints['Mean'], self.xPoints['Mean'], 'o') plt.xlabel('t') plt.ylabel('x') plt.savefig('x.pdf', format='pdf') plt.gcf().clear() """ def yFit(self): yModel = odr.Model(self.yEOM) yData = odr.RealData(self.tPoints['Mean'], self.yPoints['Mean'], sx = self.tPoints['Error'], sy = self.yPoints['Error']) yODR = odr.ODR(yData, yModel, beta0=[1, 10, 100]) yOUT = print('The y fit was performend with chi2 = ', yOUT.res_var) #yOUT.pprint() return yOUT """ print('y :', yOUT.res_var) plt.plot(self.tPoints['Mean'], self.yEOM(yOUT.beta, self.tPoints['Mean'])) plt.plot(self.tPoints['Mean'], self.yPoints['Mean'], 'o') plt.xlabel('t') plt.ylabel('y') plt.savefig('y.pdf', format='pdf') plt.gcf().clear() """ def zFit(self): zModel = odr.Model(self.zEOM) zData = odr.RealData(self.tPoints['Mean'], self.zPoints['Mean'], sx = self.tPoints['Error'], sy = self.zPoints['Error']) zODR = odr.ODR(zData, zModel, beta0=[1, 1, 100]) zOUT = print('The z fit was performend with chi2 = ', zOUT.res_var) #zOUT.pprint() #print('z :', zOUT.res_var) return zOUT """ plt.plot(self.tPoints['Mean'], self.zEOM(zOUT.beta, self.tPoints['Mean'])) plt.plot(self.tPoints['Mean'], self.zPoints['Mean'], 'o') plt.xlabel('t') plt.ylabel('z') plt.savefig('z.pdf', format='pdf') plt.gcf().clear() """ def output(self): print(self.results) def Plot(self): ...